Current Projects
Our draft, currently called our Alliance Document, is available for viewing here. This is the active draft that we are currently editing for approval by all of the MCT-enrolled members. We need all members to comment now if they see a need. We hope to bring forward a document that our descendants and we can all live with for many generations.
In addition we have created a document called Governing Bodies, available here.
In addition, our drafting committee has done extensive research and drafted this document, called Treaties Made with the Chippewa. It provides the outcome of the research completed by this active committee. We hope you find it interesting and informative.
Another draft is called the White Earth Model. You can view it here.
There is a third draft called Falmouth Sample Constitution as well. You can view it here.
Training Notes
How to become a FDL delegate to Minnesota
Chippewa Tribe Constitution Reform Process
An interested person will write a Letter of Interest to request to be a delegate and email to:
Current delegates will review and keep the Letter of Interest on file.
For more information, read SOP here.
Blood Quantum births bottoming out in 2023
Did that get your attention? Read this article from September 2012.

Referendum on Enrollment

October 28, 2022
Delegate Recommendations to the TEC